A clearer future is coming.

A clearer future is coming.

Soon, eye exams as we know them will change forever. Vivid clarity. Unwavering accuracy. Complete convenience.

In under 1 minute.

Eyecare in under 1 minute

The need for faster, more accurate eyecare is greater than ever. But scheduling difficulties, long wait and exam times, and inconvenient office locations create barriers to access for millions. The One-Minute Eye Exam from iCRx solves these problems—delivering accurate, refractive error correction in just 60 seconds.

100 Million+

Eye exams take place in the U.S. annually

More than 100 million eye exams take place every year in the U.S., and two-thirds of Americans wear contacts or glasses. Still, it is estimated that 1 in 10 Americans have not had an eye exam in the last 5 years.

1 Billion

People have untreated vision impairment

Worldwide, more than 2.2 billion people have a near or distance vision impairment and almost half of these cases could have been prevented or have yet to be treated.

$411 Billion

The cost of untreated vision impairment

Vision impairments globally cost about $411 billion (US) in lost productivity.

Learn more about iCRx

iCRx is backed by 10+ years of university research

Founded by industry powerhouses—including the inventor of LASIK surgery—iCRx was built on over a decade of thorough R&D.

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